Citec as an observer at “Formula E”: electric cars Grand Prix in Paris

Focus on the organization of one of the 11 rounds of the Formula E championship: in the heart of Paris, 20 electric single-seaters for 1 hour competition, a 2 km circuit built in 9 days, a 2’500 seat grandstand and 15’000 sold tickets. Citec took a close look at this event which dimension goes beyond the only sports scope.

The event was a success and will take place again in Paris in 2017 which represent a positive signal to Paris application to host the 2024 Olympics Games. The “transport statistics “collection of this Parisian edition will feed Citec databases.

Citec view concerning this evanescent, young but very promising event goes to the sense of the improvements which could turn it into a showcase. Citec is passionate about the way events can influence the mobility in cities; Formula E is undeniably an interesting way to promote “electric vehicle” as way to clean up cities and to modify the urban mobility.