Citec for Transport planning of FIFA2018 World Cup in Russia

On November 19th-20th Citec organises and coordinates technical contents of the Seminar “FIFA 2018 Transport planning for FIFA2018 World Cup in Russia”, promoted from da KSODD and AISTS, represented by Prof. Ph.Bovy.

The objectives of the Seminar, held in Moscow in the Novogorsk Training Centre, is to approach the transport and mobility most urgent questions for the 11 cities that will host the World Cup in Russia. The 2 days Seminar is attended by 60 participants from the Host Cities. Among the different speakers: Fifa 2018 LOC and Russian Ministry of Transport representatives, as well as international experts such as Prof. Ph.Bovy (Professor emeritus of Transportation at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne), Mr. M. Reksnis (Head of Engineering in the City of Warsaw) and Mr. T. Berner (responsible for Infrastructure and Public Transport at the Swiss Transport Federal Department).

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Stefano Manelli (Citec Torino) takes part to the Seminar bringing his experience of UEFA Euro 2008 and 2012 projects about transport planning in Host Cities, last km around the Stadium and airport preparation.