PRESS – Sports and GIS, the winning duo: SIG MAG interviews Citec


Citec has been optimising sports large events and journeys for 30 years

« From race tracks to the organisation of events in stadiums, GIS is everywhere. When it comes to guiding both competitors and organisers, helping different audiences to get around better, facilitating the work of security and rescue, or planning the events themselves, the GIS is there. » In its report on geo-referenced digital tools for the organisation of sporting events, SIGMAG interviewes Citec a say. Citec has been organising sports trips for 30 years, notably at the 2023 Ryder Cup in Rome and with the help of the abiGO app. Developed by Citec and dedicated to international events, abiGo allows the Central Dispatch team to be permanently connected with the drivers and to organise the travel of teams, athletes, guests and media.

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