Maxime CourtoisHead of Citec Quimper
Maxime Courtois, transport engineer graduated from the Paris City School of Engineering (EIVP), has more than 10 years of experience in mobility engineering. In 2018, he joined Citec and then headed the Citec Quimper agency created in 2024. Citec expert in traffic regulation, for which he is responsible France: He has worked on major urban transport projects (BRT, trams) in France, Switzerland and Belgium. He has also participated in many multimodal mobility studies: traffic regulation, macroscopic and microscopic modelling, traffic, parking, PEM and active mobility. Actor involved in all phases of the project (MOE, AMO), he has acquired a recognized know-how in the realization of mobility studies.
Fields of expertise
- Project management on traffic light signaling projects
- Prioritization of public transport (tramway and BRT)
- Macroscopic and microscopic modelling
- Multimodal exchange hub
- Active mobility
Main projects
- TRAM – Liège, T3N and TRAM9 in Île-de-France, Annemasse, Red Line in Tel-Aviv, Green Line in Jérusalem, LAE Toulouse, lengthening of the platforms T1/T2 Lyon
- BRT – Lyon, Béziers, Saint-Nazaire, Valence, Rouen, Annecy
- MULTIMODALITY – AMO mobility SPL Part-Dieu and SPL Confluence, Lyon
- MODELLING – Mobility study using the models of Lyon and Saint-Nazaire-CARENE
- EXCHANGE POLES – Part-Dieu in Lyon, Martigues, Miramas, Fougères, Plan de campagne, Mirabeau
Contact details
1 Alez Ar Waremm
29000 Quimper