Raphaël GolayPartner and Member of the managing board

Raphaël Golay, a transport engineer with a degree from the Federal Polytechnic of Lausanne (EPFL), is a member of the managing board and TCSP expert. With over 20 years of experience in research offices and communities, in Switzerland and in Europe, he has acquired a recognized know-how in the management of mobility networks and in the management of flows. He is mainly active in the development of public transport networks and in the execution of construction sites subject to operational constraints. He is an expert in the management of motorway traffic flows, for medium-long term planning studies or for the management of construction sites. In constant interaction with the mobility players, he intervenes both as director of studies, expert, group pilot or pool of agents. He graduated from the Swiss Association of Road Safety and Transport Professionals (Road Safety Audit).
Fields of expertise
- Traffic management in the motorway sector
- Signage, marking and stakeout
- Operation and regulation of traffic
- Multimodal pole and interface
- Management of the construction site, DLT, OPC
- Assistance to the client, BAMO
Main projects
- CONSTRUCTION SITES – Refurbishment of the Grand-Saconnex motorway junction, Switzerland
- CONSTRUCTIONS SITES – Guidance plan for the management of construction sites, Geneva Airport
- CONSTRUCTION SITES – Road and Tunnel of Nations project, Geneva
- TRAFFIC REGULATION – Centralized Traffic Management of the Lausanne Agglomeration (GCTA), Vaud
- TRAFFIC REGULATION – 2017-2021 multimodal strategy, Switzerland
- TRAM – New tramway line, Liège
Contact details
47 route des Acacias
Case Postale 1711
CH-1211 Genève 26