Our strengths
Soft/active mobility from the user’s point of view
As daily users of sweet/active modes, our experts design solutions conceived primarily from the user’s point of view and incorporating their most recent experiences.
An indispensable multimodal approach
Multidisciplinary competence is essential to rebalance spaces in favor of active mobility, taking into account the needs of motorized modes.
Support your approach to co-construction and concertation
Our experts are accustomed to consultations, listening and respecting the opinions of the public. In this way we guide the concertation process towards a usable and satisfactory result for all.
Quantitatively assess the impacts at each stage
Citec has developed methodologies to calculate the impact of structures for soft mobility, also in the context of a multimodal model.
Pedaling and walking for sustainable mobility
Active, low-carbon, economical and quiet, soft/active mobilities have everything to please. Yet turning the urge into reality is less obvious than it seems. Pedestrians and cyclists generally have to fit into limited and restricted spaces, already occupied by all kinds of activities and vehicles. Our expertise in traffic, parking and intersection regulation provides us with an understanding of the needs of motorized modes that are essential to rebalance traffic in an effective and consensual way in favor of soft/active mode. Faced with a complex and rapidly evolving technical sector, our experts guarantee the full success of your interventions with rigorous technical skills derived from the most recent experiences. Beyond simple infrastructure, a bicycle and pedestrian system relies more on the provision of associated services. Bicycle center, repair shops, cycle-logistics, pedibus… many sectors in which our experts have extensive experience, through their professional career or their associative commitments.
Our services
Analyze soft/active mobility practices
- Share continuous monitoring and thematic research on the state of the art in soft/active mobility
- Quantify and qualify cycling and walking practices through counting, behavioral observations and discussion workshops
- Evaluate and support the cycling and pedestrian policy in your area, in particular through ByPad certification audits
Define and plan a development strategy
- Designing readable guidelines, development strategies that take into account local contexts and aim to create a cycle system: infrastructures, bicycle parking, self-service, services, etc.
- Create a network of finely intertwined, hierarchical, delimited cycling and pedestrian routes and promote intermodality with public transport
- Define and prioritize priority interventions based on an implementation schedule, degree of urgency, costs and funding possibilities
Design suitable pedestrian and cycling facilities
- Propose and design attractive, comfortable and safe structures to promote cycling and walking: landscaping of public spaces, educational trails, thematic paths
- Identify black spots and secure routes: difficult intersections, crossing breaks, missing connections, adjustments, unevenness, visibility
- Sizing of dedicated bicycle parking, projects for bicycle stations and self-service bicycle parking spaces
Promote active modes to a variety of audiences
- Participate in training courses on cycling and pedestrian mobility
- Develop promotional campaigns
- Organize conferences on the transition of mobilities