Smartphone application Smart Navigo, Île-de-France

Since 2016, the Île-de-France Region has launched the Smart Navigo project to dematerialize public transport tickets for an investment of 60 million euros over 9 years. The goal is to make life easier for public transport users with the Vianavigo application to top up transport passes, load day tickets or smartphone passes. The application allows you to validate access to buses, metro, train with your smartphone even when it is turned off. This innovative service has been open to users since autumn 2019.

Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM)

Île-de-France (France)


Project characteristics

  • Smartphone application for the general public
  • Technologies: Android, NFC SIM cards (Orange and Sosh)
  • Project duration: 7 months, from January to July 2019

Role of Citec

In association with the Sword, Instant System, Kiso and Unami group:

  • Operational piloting in interface with IDFM: project and meeting management (project, technical and piloting), definition of schedules and contents of application versions, reporting
  • Design of the smartphone application: UX/user interface design, choice/validation of software components, definition of kinematics and user journeys
  • Management of the development of the smartphone application (on Android) and of the Web Services carried out by the group
  • Coordination of internal testing, beta testing and acceptance phases in relation with IDFM and AMOs